Bloggers and critics – get down to work! | Miłosz Festival

Bloggers and critics – get down to work!

How to write about high culture on the web? How to move about freely among translations and ambitious literature? And finally, how to present attractively not just popular literature but poetry and essay? This is not going to be the knowledge available only to the initiated. The Miłosz Festival invites you for free, two-day workshops for bloggers and critics to be held in Krakow on 20 and 21 May. The workshop will be run by Paulina Małochleb – literary critic and researcher, Secretary of the Wisława Szymborska Award. 

We wait for your applications – containing your new or already published text and your contact details – to be sent until 8 May to The list of candidates who qualified for participation in the workshop will be announced on 15 May. The workshop will take place on 20 May (11.00 am -6.00 pm) and 21 May (11.00 am -3.00 pm) in Literacka Café in Krakow (ul. Krakowska 41).

Paulina Małochleb is one of the best known literary critics of the young generation. She runs classes in modern literature and critical workshops at the Jagiellonian University. She is the winner of many awards, including the Award of the President of Council of Ministers and the Foundation for Polish Science Award in 2014. This year she received the Young Poland scholarship from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. She writes for ”Fa-art”, ”Nowe Książki”, ”Odra”, ”Polityka”, ”Polonistyka”, ”Twórczość”, ”Tygiel Kultury” and ”Znak”. She runs a blog entitled ”Książki na ostro”, which was ranked among 15 best book blogs by ”Press” magazine. The blog received the best score of all award winners for its substantive content.

The May critical workshops will introduce us to further workshops planned to be held during the Miłosz Festival (8-11 June). They will be run by Justine Sobolewska, a journalist from ”Polityka” weekly, and Michał Nogaś, the author of very popular programmes about books and journalist of A literary criticism panel will also be held during the festival. More details are due shortly; meanwhile we encourage you to sending applications for the May workshop!


fot. Jakub Ociepa

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