Poet, critic, translator, editor and organizer. As a literary critic he regularly co-operates with various literary magazines, he was also one of the organizers of literary critics’ symposium “The Art of Criticism”. His poetry has been published in Slovene, as well as international literary magazines and anthologies, and was translated to several languages – he has published his poetry debut “Anatomy” in 2019 in Greece at Vakxikon and later the same year at Slovene publishing house Center za slovensko književnost. For many years he is working as a “literature mediator” between different European literatures, he regular translates poetry and prose, has co-edited magazines, anthologies and is working on organisation of different literary events and festivals. Currently he is divided between Ljubljana, Berlin and Prague. In Slovenia he is an active member of several literature organisations (he is a vice president of Association of Slovene literary critics, a representor of Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee’ for PEN Slovenia, an artistic director of Festival Fabula, head coordinator for European platform Versopolis, projects ArtAct, ThinkPub and NovelEU); in Berlin he regularly cooperate with literature house Lettretage; while in Prague, as the Program Director, he leads the International Literary Festival Microfestival.