Poet and prose writer. She has published volumes of poetry: Farbiarka (Dyeworker) (Znak, 2009) – City of Warsaw Literary Award (2009) [in the fiction for adults category] and Lustrzanka (Zeszyty Literackie 2012). In 2016, a volume of her selected poems was released by Znak publishing house. In 2023 she published the poetry volume „Furtianie”.
In 1995 she received the Georg Trakl Literary Prize awarded by the Austrian Institute. She authored a novel based on the biography of the Austrian poet Georg Trakl, Ślad łyżwy (A Skate Trace) (2007) and a book of essays about the Russian poet Achmatowa czyli kobieta (Akhmatova or a Woman) (2003). Both books brought her the Warsaw Literary Premiere Awards.
In 2002 she was granted a honourable mention by the Kościelski Foundation for her volume Po (After). Her poems have been translated into English, German, Italian, Slovenian, French, Catalan, Slovak, Hebrew and other languages, and published in many anthologies, including in Polskiye poetessy , Russia (2002), and in Six Polish Poets, UK (2009).
Her recently published book for young readers, Franciszka (Zeszyty Literackie 2014), brought her the top prize of the Polish Section of IBBY for the best book for youth in 2014, and the City of Warsaw Literary Award (2015) [in the fiction for children and youth category]. The novel has been translated into Slovenian and Lithuanian. In 2015, Piwkowska’s book Achmatowa czyli Rosja (Akhmatova or Russia) [Biblioteka ”Więzi”] was published, continuing the poet’s interest in Russian literature and poetry. Currently
Iskry publishing house have released her another biographical essay. Wyklęta. Poezja i miłość Mariny Cwietajewej (The Cursed. Poetry and Love of Marina Tsvetaeva), Anna Piwkowska is a member of the Association of Polish Writers and of PEN Club.