Māris Salējs | Miłosz Festival

Māris Salējs (born Marians Rižijs, 1971) is a Latvian poet, translator, critic and literary researcher. He translates from Polish, Ukrainian and Russian. From 1999 until 2005, Salējs worked as an editor at Luna literary journal. He has worked as a librarian at the University of Latvia and the Academy of Culture in Riga, as well as contributed to various literary platforms as an author and editor. He was first published in 1994, but his first collection of both original poems and translations from Polish Māmiņ es redzeju dziesmuMommy I Saw a Song came out in 1999, with his second, award winning collection, Mana politika/My Politics following in 2001. Salējs holds a degree in art, and in 2011, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Latvia where he studied Philology. A prolific critic and reviewer, Salējs is also the author of many research papers and lengthy analyses of several prominent Latvian poets such, as Uldis Bērziņš, Janis Rokpelnis, Hermanis Marģers Majevskis and Knuts Skujenieks. He frequently attends conferences and readings dedicated to literature, language and translation, and is an editor of books of other renowned Latvian poets.

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