Yulia Didokha | Miłosz Festival

Yulia Didokha is a translator, co-founder and program curator of the TRANSLATORIUM Literary and Translation Festival, and member of the VERBatsiya translation group.

She translated for the online media post impreza, House of Europe, and Mystetskyi Arsenal. Among her published translations are: A Big Important Art Book (Now with Women) by Danielle Krysa (ArtHuss, 2023); Orbita. Selected Poems by Artur Punte, Vladimir Svietlov, Siergei Timofieiev, and Siemion Khanin. Compiled by Ostap Slyvynskyi (Discursus, 2022); Performing the Common City by Pascal Gielen (IST Publishing, 2019); Paraska Plytka-Horytsvit. Overcoming Gravity (Mystetskyi Arsenal, 2019), Where Curating Is: the artist-as-curator and the curator-as-artist in Ukraine from the 1980s to the 2010s by Kateryna Nosko and Valeriya Luk’yanets (IST Publishing, 2018), and Kirill Protsenko. Impassioned (Mystetskyi Arsenal, 2018).

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